function CardComponent() {
return <Box bg="white" shadow={2} rounded="lg" maxWidth="90%">
<Image source={{
uri: ''
}} alt="image base" resizeMode="cover" height={150} roundedTop="md" />
<Text bold position="absolute" color="white" top={0} m={[4, 4, 8]}>
<Stack space={4} p={[4, 4, 8]}>
<Text color="gray.400">June 22, 2021</Text>
<Heading size={['md', 'lg', 'md']} noOfLines={2}>
The Stunning Dawki River in Meghalaya is So Clear That Boats Appear
Floating in Air
<Text lineHeight={[5, 5, 7]} noOfLines={[4, 4, 2]} color="gray.700">
With lush green meadows, rivers clear as crystal, pine-covered hills,
gorgeous waterfalls, lakes and majestic forests, the mesmerizing.
Meghalaya is truly a Nature lover’s paradise…
function Example() {
return <NativeBaseProvider>
<Center flex={1}>
<CardComponent />