const Example = () => {
return <Box maxW="80" rounded="lg" overflow="hidden" borderColor="coolGray.200" borderWidth="1" _dark={{
borderColor: "coolGray.600",
backgroundColor: "gray.700"
}} _web={{
shadow: 2,
borderWidth: 0
}} _light={{
backgroundColor: "gray.50"
<AspectRatio w="100%" ratio={16 / 9}>
<Image source={{
uri: ""
}} alt="image" />
<Center bg="violet.500" _dark={{
bg: "violet.400"
}} _text={{
color: "warmGray.50",
fontWeight: "700",
fontSize: "xs"
}} position="absolute" bottom="0" px="3" py="1.5">
<Stack p="4" space={3}>
<Stack space={2}>
<Heading size="md" ml="-1">
The Garden City
<Text fontSize="xs" _light={{
color: "violet.500"
}} _dark={{
color: "violet.400"
}} fontWeight="500" ml="-0.5" mt="-1">
The Silicon Valley of India.
<Text fontWeight="400">
Bengaluru (also called Bangalore) is the center of India's high-tech
industry. The city is also known for its parks and nightlife.
<HStack alignItems="center" space={4} justifyContent="space-between">
<HStack alignItems="center">
<Text color="coolGray.600" _dark={{
color: "warmGray.200"
}} fontWeight="400">
6 mins ago