Stagger component provides a declarative API to add Staggered Transitions.
const Example = () => {
const {
} = useDisclose();
return <Box>
<Box alignItems="center" minH="220">
<Stagger visible={isOpen} initial={{
opacity: 0,
scale: 0,
translateY: 34
}} animate={{
translateY: 0,
scale: 1,
opacity: 1,
transition: {
type: "spring",
mass: 0.8,
stagger: {
offset: 30,
reverse: true
}} exit={{
translateY: 34,
scale: 0.5,
opacity: 0,
transition: {
duration: 100,
stagger: {
offset: 30,
reverse: true
<IconButton mb="4" variant="solid" bg="indigo.500" colorScheme="indigo" borderRadius="full" icon={<Icon as={MaterialIcons} size="6" name="location-pin" _dark={{
color: "warmGray.50"
}} color="warmGray.50" />} />
<IconButton mb="4" variant="solid" bg="yellow.400" colorScheme="yellow" borderRadius="full" icon={<Icon as={MaterialCommunityIcons} _dark={{
color: "warmGray.50"
}} size="6" name="microphone" color="warmGray.50" />} />
<IconButton mb="4" variant="solid" bg="teal.400" colorScheme="teal" borderRadius="full" icon={<Icon as={MaterialCommunityIcons} _dark={{
color: "warmGray.50"
}} size="6" name="video" color="warmGray.50" />} />
<IconButton mb="4" variant="solid" bg="red.500" colorScheme="red" borderRadius="full" icon={<Icon as={MaterialIcons} size="6" name="photo-library" _dark={{
color: "warmGray.50"
}} color="warmGray.50" />} />
<HStack alignItems="center">
<IconButton variant="solid" borderRadius="full" size="lg" onPress={onToggle} bg="cyan.400" icon={<Icon as={MaterialCommunityIcons} size="6" name="dots-horizontal" color="warmGray.50" _dark={{
color: "warmGray.50"
}} />} />
Initial styles before the transition starts
The styles to which each child should animate to while entering.
The styles to which each child should animate to while exiting.
Determines whether to start the animation
interface IStaggerStyleProps extends ISupportedTransition {
transition?: {
stagger?: {
offset: number,
reverse?: boolean,
type?: 'timing' | 'spring',
easing?: (value: number) => number,
overshootClamping?: boolean,
restDisplacementThreshold?: number,
restSpeedThreshold?: number,
velocity?: number | { x: number, y: number },
bounciness?: number,
speed?: number,
tension?: number,
friction?: number,
stiffness?: number,
mass?: number,
damping?: number,
delay?: number,
duration?: number,
useNativeDriver?: boolean,