Alerts are used to communicate a state that affects a system, feature or page.
NativeBase exports 5 Alert related components:
Alert: The wrapper for alert components.
Alert.Icon: The visual icon for the alert that changes based on the status prop.
import { Alert } from 'native-base';
function Example() {
return <Alert w="100%" status="info" colorScheme="info">
<VStack space={2} flexShrink={1} w="100%">
<HStack flexShrink={1} space={2} alignItems="center" justifyContent="space-between">
<HStack flexShrink={1} space={2} alignItems="center">
<Alert.Icon />
<Text fontSize="md" fontWeight="medium" color="coolGray.800">
We are going live in July!
<IconButton variant="unstyled" icon={<CloseIcon size="3" color="coolGray.600" />} />
<Box pl="6" _text={{
color: "coolGray.600"
We are happy to announce that we are going live on July 28th. Get
function Example() {
const statusArray = [{
status: "success",
title: "Selection successfully moved!"
}, {
status: "error",
title: "Please try again later!"
}, {
status: "info",
title: "We are going live in July!"
}, {
status: "warning",
title: "Poor internet connection."
return <Stack space={3} w="100%">
{ => {
return <Alert w="100%" status={status.status}>
<VStack space={2} flexShrink={1} w="100%">
<HStack flexShrink={1} space={2} justifyContent="space-between">
<HStack space={2} flexShrink={1}>
<Alert.Icon mt="1" />
<Text fontSize="md" color="coolGray.800">
<IconButton variant="unstyled" icon={<CloseIcon size="3" color="coolGray.600" />} />
function Example() {
const getTextColor = variant => {
switch (variant) {
case "left-accent":
case "top-accent":
case "subtle":
return "coolGray.800";
case "solid":
return "warmGray.50";
return <ScrollView px="30" my="3" showsVerticalScrollIndicator={false}>
<Stack space={3} w="100%">
{["solid", "left-accent", "top-accent", "outline", "subtle", "outline-light"].map(key => {
return <>
<Text bold fontSize="xl" mb="4" textAlign="center">
<Alert w="100%" variant={key} colorScheme="success" status="success">
<VStack space={2} flexShrink={1} w="100%">
<HStack flexShrink={1} space={2} alignItems="center" justifyContent="space-between">
<HStack space={2} flexShrink={1} alignItems="center">
<Alert.Icon />
<Text color={getTextColor(key)}>
Selection successfully moved!
<Divider mt="5" mb="2.5" />
function Example() {
return <VStack space={5} maxW="400">
<Alert w="100%" status="success">
<VStack space={2} flexShrink={1} w="100%">
<HStack flexShrink={1} space={1} alignItems="center" justifyContent="space-between">
<HStack space={2} flexShrink={1} alignItems="center">
<Alert.Icon />
<Text fontSize="md" fontWeight="medium" _dark={{
color: "coolGray.800"
Application received!
<IconButton variant="unstyled" icon={<CloseIcon size="3" color="coolGray.600" />} />
<Box pl="6" _dark={{
_text: {
color: "coolGray.600"
Your application has been received. We will review your application
and respond within the next 48 hours.
<Alert w="100%" status="success">
<VStack space={1} flexShrink={1} w="100%" alignItems="center">
<Alert.Icon size="md" />
<Text fontSize="md" fontWeight="medium" _dark={{
color: "coolGray.800"
Application received!
<Box _text={{
textAlign: "center"
}} _dark={{
_text: {
color: "coolGray.600"
Your application has been received. We will review your application
and respond within the next 48 hours.
function Example() {
const [show, setShow] = React.useState(true);
return <Box w="100%">
<Collapse isOpen={show}>
<Alert w="100%" status="error">
<VStack space={1} flexShrink={1} w="100%">
<HStack flexShrink={1} space={2} alignItems="center" justifyContent="space-between">
<HStack flexShrink={1} space={2} alignItems="center">
<Alert.Icon />
<Text fontSize="md" fontWeight="medium" _dark={{
color: "coolGray.800"
Please try again later!
<IconButton variant="unstyled" icon={<CloseIcon size="3" color="coolGray.600" />} onPress={() => setShow(false)} />
<Box pl="6" _dark={{
_text: {
color: "coolGray.600"
Your coupon could not be processed at this time.
<Button size={"sm"} onPress={() => setShow(true)} my={8} mx="auto">
Alert implements
The status of the alert
Type: "info" | "warning" | "success" | "error" | (string & {})
The variant of the alert style to use.
Type: ResponsiveValue<"outline" | (string & {}) | "subtle" | "solid" | "left-accent" | "top-accent" | "outline-light">
The colorScheme of the Alert.
AlertIcon implements
NativeBase ships with a default theme for each component. Check out the default theme of the alert
We can easily extend the alert component theme using extendTheme function as described in the documentation .Alert has role set to alert.