Hidden is used to toggle the visibility value of child components responsively, based on the colorMode or based on the platform. It does not mount the child components in the restricted values of props.
import { Hidden } from 'native-base';
<Box bg="red.400" p="2">
<Text>This text will be always hidden.</Text>
Hidden according to breakpoints
<Hidden from="sm" till="lg">
<Box bg="red.400" p="2">
<Text>This text will be hidden from sm to lg screens.</Text>
<Hidden only={['sm', 'lg']}>
<Box bg="red.400" p="2">
<Text>This text will be hidden on sm and lg screens only.</Text>
Hidden according to colorMode
function ColorModeExample() {
const {
} = useColorMode();
return <>
<Button colorScheme={colorMode === "light" ? "blue" : "red"} onPress={() => {
Change mode
<Hidden colorMode="light">
<Box bg="yellow.400" p="2" mt="5">
<Text>This text will be hidden on light mode</Text>
<Hidden colorMode="dark">
<Box bg="green.400" p="2" mt="5">
<Text>This text will be hidden on dark mode</Text>
Hidden according to platform
<Hidden platform={['android', 'web']}>
<Box bg="red.400" p="2">
<Text>This text will be hidden on android and web.</Text>
The from prop takes breakpoint from which the wrapped component is hidden.
Type: LiteralUnion<"base" | "sm" | "md" | "lg" | "xl", string>
The till prop takes breakpoint till which the wrapped component is hidden.
Type: LiteralUnion<"base" | "sm" | "md" | "lg" | "xl", string>
The only prop takes array of breakpoints on which the wrapped component is hidden. It hides the component starting from that breakpoint to the next breakpoint.
Type: LiteralUnion<"base" | "sm" | "md" | "lg" | "xl", string> | LiteralUnion<"base" | "sm" | "md" | "lg" | "xl", string>[]
The colormode takes the mode on which the wrapped component must be hidden.
The platform takes the platform as string or array for the multiple on which the wrapped component must be hidden.
Type: LiteralUnion<"ios" | "android" | "web", string> | LiteralUnion<"ios" | "android" | "web", string>[]